Monthly Archives: October 2013

Now Accepting Nominations for MPPDA President-Elect

MPPDA is pleased to request nominations for the position of MPPDA President-Elect. The MPPDA Nominating Committee also encourages physician members to self-nominate.
The president-elect will serve a four-year term beginning July 1, 2014, which includes one year as president-elect, one year as president, one year as immediate past president, and one year as past president.
The MPPDA Executive Committee continues to provide an opportunity for personal and professional leadership development for members and has a strong tradition of mentoring and collaboration. It offers a venue to impact the future of Med-Peds training and the formation of lifelong friendships based on hard work and shared goals. The association has made great strides in the past decade, from weathering the primary care pendulum swings and redefining the med-peds role in global health, transition niches, and hospital medicine; to navigating and improving the recent Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education accreditation process. The MPPDA Executive Committee looks forward to the continued evolution of the organization and needs your new ideas, energy and leadership. The executive committee also has strong ties and frequent interactions with the Association of Program
Nomination Criteria 

The candidate must:

Must be able to serve a four year term (July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2017).
Must be a member in good standing at the time of nomination.
Must be interested in contributing to MPPDA’s leadership.

One position available.  Nomination form here.

By |October 14th, 2013|Homepage|0 Comments

APDIM Spring Meeting Call for Abstracts Deadline November 22nd.

The Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM) invites the submission of research and programmatic innovation poster abstracts for the 2014 APDIM Spring Meeting, which will take place April 8-9, 2014, at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, TN.

Research poster abstracts will include background or introductory information, aim, methods, the results of the research, and a brief discussion or conclusion.

Programmatic innovation poster abstracts will have a description of how the problem was identified and explored, descriptions of the innovations, results to date, and discussion/reflection/lessons learned.  Tips and tools or works in progress are considered programmatic innovations.

For additional information about the poster abstract format, please review the guidelines for submitting an APDIM poster abstract.

All appropriate submissions will be reviewed by the APDIM Program Planning Committee.  The committee will rate submissions on a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest rating).  Programmatic innovations poster abstracts will be rated on potential interest to APDIM members, practicality of implementation, likelihood of sustainability, and the effect on the submitters’ programs.  Research poster abstracts will be rated on the research study design, generalizability to other internal medicine programs, and how novel the findings are.

Please note that APDIM poster abstracts primarily address educational and programmatic issues.  Poster abstracts that present clinical studies or clinical research out of the context of resident education or programmatic innovation will not be reviewed.  Also, poster abstracts without any results or pending data are often not accepted for poster presentation.

All accepted poster abstract submitters are expected to participate in the APDIM Poster Reception Tuesday, April 8, 2014, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. CDT.  All abstracts will be available online as well as in the meeting material.

Please note that APDIM cannot […]

By |October 11th, 2013|Homepage|0 Comments

2014 ACGME Annual Educational Conference Call for Abstracts

Conference Information Online
Preliminary information about the 2014 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, has been posted on the ACGME website. Registration will be available mid-November through the end of January. The conference will be held February 27-March 2, 2014 at the Gaylord National in National Harbor, Maryland. Details can be viewed here.
Call for Abstracts
The ACGME invites abstract submissions for poster presentation at the 2014 ACGME Annual Educational Conference. The suggested topics for this year’s poster session are:

Improving the Learning Environment, including:

Engaging Residents and Faculty in Patient Safety/Quality Improvement
Resident Well-Being
Resident Remediation

Implementing the Next Accreditation System, including:

Assessment in the Age of Milestones
Using Simulation to Teach Milestones
Clinical Competency Committees

Faculty Development/Interprofessional Development
Diversity/Cultural Competence/Reduction in Disparities
Innovations in International Graduate Medical Education

All abstracts must be submitted by November 15, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. CST to be considered. Submission details can be viewed here.

By |October 9th, 2013|Homepage|0 Comments

AAP Med-Peds Workforce Survey

You all should have recieved an email recently regarding the AAP Med-Peds Workforce Survery.  As the field of Med-Peds continues to grow, it is important for us to take stock of where we are as a workforce and what the future might hold. As of now we have no meaningful data on what kind of work physicians who trained in Med-Peds are currently doing.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, in cooperation with the American College of Physicians and the Society of Hospital Medicine, has been working on an important workforce survey of our members. This survey contains questions about your current job and is the largest survey of the Med-Peds community ever performed.  Please spare 15 minutes to help us learn about your experiences. 
Your participation is crucial to the success of this effort. We will compile the answers and publish the results so that we may all learn what the state of Med-Peds is today.  
By completing the survey you will also be entered into a drawing for one of five $50 Amazon gift cards.
Please take the time to complete this survey using the link that was recently sent to you.  This link is uniquely tied to this survey and your email address. Your responses to this survey are completely confidential. No identifying information will be associated with your responses and responses will be reported only in the aggregate. Your response, or non-response, will have no bearing on your relationship with the AAP, ACP or SHM. 

Michael Donnelly, MD, FACP, FAAP
Chair, AAP Med-Peds Section Survey Committee

Allen Friedland, MD, FACP, FAAP
Chair, AAP Med-Peds Section

If you did not receive an email, please contact Mike Donnelly for more information. 

By |October 1st, 2013|Homepage|0 Comments