MPPDA Members,

Here are the official results of the 2016 Match.  In 2016, seventy-nine Med-Peds programs participated in the Match. A total of 386 positions were offered, an increase of 6 positions compared to 2015 (380). The total number of candidates applying to Med-Peds decreased slightly from 625 in 2015 to 607 this year.  However of the candidates applying, 422 U.S. seniors (allopathic) comprised the applicant pool, which increased almost 7% from 396 in 2015.  Of the 386 positions offered, 384 were filled in the regular match (only 2 unfilled position nationally), yielding an overall fill rate of 99.5%.  85.2% of Med-Peds positions were filled by U.S. seniors.

A brief summary table of the 2014-2016 NRMP Match data for Med-Peds is provided here:

2016 2015 2014
Total # of Programs  79   78  79
Total Positions Offered  386
Total Positions Filled  384
Fill Rate  99.5% 99.7% 96.8%
% of Positions filled by US Graduates  85.2% 83.9% 75.9%


Brief Summary of the Match for Our Categorical Colleagues

Internal Medicine

In 2016, there was an overall increase in the total number of programs from 429 to 444.  The total number of positions offered in the Match also increased from 6,770 to 7,024. The overall fill rate was 98.8% with U.S. seniors filling 46.9% of the available positions (slight decrease from 49.0% in 2015).


The number of programs participating in the Match increased slightly to 199  (196 in 2015).  The number of positions offered in the Match increased from 2,668 in 2015 to 2,689 this year. Only seven positions went unfilled in the Match, yielding an overall fill rate of 99.5%. Approximately 68% of positions were filled by US seniors, which is a slight decrease from 70.8% last year.

Family Medicine

The Family Medicine Match demonstrated an increase in the number of programs from 490 to 501 this year. Overall, 43 positions were added to the regular Match for a total of 3,238 positions (3,195 in 2015). One hundred fifty-five were unfilled across 73 programs. The overall fill rate remained essentially unchanged from at 95.2% in 2015 compared to 95.1% in 2015. U.S. seniors comprised 45.3% of the filled positions in Family Medicine, which was a slight increase from 2015 (44%).

A brief comparative summary table of the 2016 NRMP Match data across Med-Peds, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Family Medicine is provided in the following table:

2016 Med-Peds Internal Medicine Pediatrics Family Medicine
Total # of Programs 79 444 199 501
Total Positions Offered 386 7,025 2,689 3,238
Total Positions Filled 384 6,938 2,675 3,083
Total # of Unfilled Positions 2 87 14 155
Total Unfilled Programs 1 26 8 73
Total # of Applicants 607 11,733 3,869 6,117
Total # of US Graduates Applying 422 3,885 2,071 1,774
Fill Rate 99.5% 98.8% 99.5% 95.2%
Positions filled by US Graduates 85.2% 46.9% 68.0% 45.3%


Follow this link for the full  2016 NRMP Advance Data Tables document.

The match for Med-Peds in 2016 continues to show a consistently strong tend for our specialty.  We remain the primary care specialty with the highest fill rate with U.S. allopathic seniors by a wide margin at 85.2%.  Med-Peds continues to grow as a specialty with 6 more positions offered and one additional program added in 2016.  Most notably this year, there was a 7% increase in the number of U.S. allopathic seniors applying to Med-Peds programs.  In fact, there were 36 more U.S. seniors applying to Med-Peds in 2016 than there were available positions offered in the match.  The total number of positions offered and programs in Med-Peds has risen steadily over the past 5 years, with an increase in 22 positions available since 2012.

Looking forward to the Match for Med-Peds in 2017, we should continue to grow Med-Peds.  The increased awareness of Med-Peds residency training at our local medical schools, as well as at schools without Med-Peds residency programs has been showing dividends with increasing interest in our specialty.   In closing, for those of you considering expanding your own cohort of residents, there were 422 U.S. seniors who applied for 386 Med-Peds PGY-1  positions which is valuable information to demonstrate there is once again a need and interest in expanding Med-Peds training opportunities!

All the best,

Russ Kolarik and Sandi Moutsios on behalf of the MPPDA Executive Committee